Smartphone interval training done right

Scientifically developed

This app is backed by extensive scientific research and uses state of the art knowledge on exercise physiology.

Professionally used

This app is trusted by professional athletes to help them stay fit and get the most out of themselves each and every game.

Fat loss with intervals

The science is clear: an interval training is more efficient and effective in burning fat compared to a continuous effort session. So say 'yes' to intervals!

Real-time V'O2 measurement

Using a Bluetooth heart rate monitor, your heart rate is measured and used in a sophisticated calculation that estimates your real-time oxygen uptake (V'O2).

Cardiovascular drift

Cardiovascular drift is a gradual heart rate increase without an accompanying effort increase. This is compensated to allow accurate intensity estimations.

Head wind? Uphill?

It's the intensity that matters, not the speed. You can gain the same results when exercising with or without wind, and uphill or downhill.

Usable with many sports

Usable with many different sports modalities. As long as you can vary and sustain a constant high or lower intensity in your sport, this app is usable.

Free and no fuss

The app is free and fully functional, has no ads, does not feature a premium subscription, does not require an account, and fully respects your privacy.

Trust the science, follow the professionals

What users say

Convince yourself by the testimonials of these users. And with users we mean actual users, not made-up names and stories...
Sina K.

Sina K.

German 2nd volleyball league

I need to stay fit and in shape to give my best on the court every Bundesliga game. Besides our regular practices I like to do something extra. Doing interval running is then the perfect addition, because volleyball is an interval sport with varying high and low intensities as well. Going for my runs has now become much more stimulating, because I'm being pushed by a virtual coach that tells me when I need to increase or decrease my interval effort. Knowing that this scheme is the optimal way of exercising for me and my fitness level is then really satisfying.



Recreational runner

"HIIT to" works for me, because I was already into running based on intervals. Varying the effort intensity during a training is simply much more effective in gaining exercising results. However, the apps that I previously used were all time-based interval timers. In principle I could completely deviate from the schedule during the entire session without the app knowing. Not anymore... Now I don't have to bother myself any longer with finding the optimal timings for the training session, because the optimal switching moments are sorted out by the app. Heart rate measurements mean you cannot fool "the coach" and you just have to put in the work. Brilliant!


If you have a specific question regarding the usage of the app, already use the app but have a problem and need some support, or just want to let us know how the app works for you and give us feedback, we would be happy to hear. Please get in contact via email (, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.