
These are the main features of HIIT to get.fit. For a more detailed description why this app beats other exercising apps, please visit Why It Works.

  • Aerobic (endurance fitness) interval training;
  • Anaerobic (explosive fitness) interval training and recovery training are in development
  • Real-time oxygen uptake (V’O2) estimation using a heart rate measurement using state-of-the-art three-component exponential models
  • Cardiovascular drift compensation using models based on scientific studies
  • Fully customizable training setup to the finest detail
  • Automatic optimal training setup based on your personal situation and fitness
  • Calculation of optimal interval switching moments based on your actual effort, not on irrelevant time
  • No convoluted marketing talk, but an honest scientific development
  • No ads
  • No premium subscription
  • No account necessary
  • Privacy safe: your data only on your phone
  • Available on both Android and iOS

What the app is not

  • An activity tracker that follows you all day long (keep using your own if you have one);
  • A social app to connect with other sporters and post your sessions in the cloud to compare with others (keep using your favorite, like Strava);
  • Not yet for now, but will be included in the future: a session recorder, which records your speed, GPS position, etc. (keep using your favorite one now next to using HIIT to get);
  • An app with tons of workouts that you can do with instructional videos how to perform them; we trust that you know which activities and exercises are suitable for you.